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NOTICE: These RV E-books are instant downloads to your computer so you can read them immediately after purchasing. ClickBank handles the order processing for each of these E-books. Once your credit card is approved, you’ll be redirected to the download page where you’ll find instructions for saving the RV E-book to your computer.

The Original Checklists for RVers An RV Education 101 3rd edition E-book By Mark PolkRV Education 101's Mark Polk knows first hand that checklists help to simplify our daily lives. If we don't write down what we need to remember, inevitably we forget something. This can be especially true with RVs because there are just too many things to remember. You will want to protect you and your investment in a routine and safe manor. Mark Polk has an extensive background in RV service, sales and management. In this e-book, Mark has compiled all the checklists an RVer will ever need, all in one place. In this 80 page e-book, there are over 35 checklists applicable for pop-ups, travel trailers, fifth wheels and motorhomes, to use from the time you purchase your RV until you store it for winter and EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN! It includes checklists for Pre-delivery Inspections, Basic Inventory, Tools & Supplies, Getting There Safely, Campground Set-up, Pre-Trip, Home Security, Dinghy Towing, Essential Items, Nice to Have Items, Traveling with Pets, Awning Operation, Winterizing & De-winterizing your RV, Storing your RV, Battery Testing Chart, Spring Prep, and much more. This e-book has been updated with 10 extra checklists! Checklists for RVers will be downloaded immediately after purchase and is delivered in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. You can read it on your computer or print it for reading later.
BUY NOW!! $12.95 80 pages
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An RV Education 101 E-book By Mark PolkThere are many different types of RVs and many different price ranges, but they all have a few things in common. They offer us the same comfort and conveniences of our home when we are traveling.
For RV's to offer these temporary living quarters three things are necessary: 1) LP gas so we can cook, have hot water and stay warm. 2) Water for drinking, cooking, cleaning and showers. 3) Electricity for cooking, lights, keeping food cold, entertainment and creature comforts
But just how does an RV work? How do you get hot water, cold food and satellite TV when you're out in the middle of no where. How is it possible to use a microwave when you're driving down the road and what makes the shower work when you aren't even connected to a water source? This e-book has the answers!
The Three Primary Systems of an RV will be downloaded immediately after purchase and is delivered in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.
BUY NOW!! $12.95 47 pages
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Purchasing an RV is a major investment, similar to buying a house. It is after all your home away from home and we need to slowww down the buying process and make some educated, well informed decisions. When we purchase an RV it's easy to overlook something, forget to check something, or possibly not be properly informed about something. Whatever the case may be you don't realize it until after you buy it and then it's too late. If you are considering purchasing an RV this e-book was written for you. Let Mark Polk, an ex-RV sales manager, walk you through the entire process of buying an RV, before you buy it. This e-book is loaded with valuable information and teaches you how avoid making costly mistakes. Polk covers everything from knowing what your needs are to signing on the dotted line. Learn which type of RV is right for you, how to select the right RV dealer, tips on negotiating the price, finance terms and interest rates, extended service plans and much more. When you're finally ready to go shopping for the perfect RV there is a valuable buyer's checklist included so nothing is overlooked. Take control of your RV buying experience. This is the best $12.95 you'll ever spend when you realize how much it saved you. How to Buy an RV,Before you Buy it will be downloaded immediately after purchase and is delivered in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.
BUY NOW!! $12.95 56 pages
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A motor home offers us the freedom to explore the open road. We can go where we want when we want. But what happens when we arrive at a destination where we plan to stay put for a day, a week or a month? How do explore the area, or take a quick trip to the grocery store? One option is to disconnect everything from the motor home and take it. What a pain this can be just for a loaf of bread. Another option is to tow a vehicle behind the motor home. Now when we need a loaf of bread or want to take a day trip we have our transportation readily available. This makes much more sense, but just how do we do this? That's what this e-book is all about. It will explain everything you need to know about dinghy towing in an easy to understand format. Our goal with this e-book is to help you learn how to properly tow a dinghy, and to assist you in making the right decisions to meet your particular towing needs.
Dinghy Towing will be downloaded immediately after purchase and is delivered in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.
BUY NOW!! $12.95 33 pages
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If you are considering purchasing a pop-up, or already own one and have questions about towing, weights, hitch work, backing, campground set-up, LP Gas, Water and the Electrical system this e-book is for you. Pop-Up Basics 101 will walk you through what a pop-up is and how it works. There are several useful checklists to refer back to when you are getting ready to leave on a trip, when you arrive at the campground, when it’s time to store your pop-up and when you prep it for use the next spring. It discusses how to safely match the pop-up with the tow vehicle and provides safe driving and towing tips. It also gives some easy advice on how to master backing your pop-up. Pop-Up Basics 101 will be downloaded immediately after purchase and is delivered in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.
BUY NOW!! $12.95 42 pages
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BUY NOW !! $12.95 39 pages
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BUY NOW !! $12.95 33 pages
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A Collection of RV Tips An RV Education 101 E-book By Mark Polk
This e-book is a direct result of feedback from RV Education 101 consumers. We have had numerous requests to compile some tips that would be useful to RVers, regardless of their level of experience. Some of the tips are very basic and simple while others are more detailed and technical. There are tips that will save the RVer time and money, and some that will prevent untimely, costly repairs to the RV. Some of the tips are common sense, some you learn from experience, and some were passed on from other RVers. My six year old son Tyler is an avid RVer. When he found out I was writing this e-book he wanted to contribute some of his own tips based on his RV experiences. I included Tyler’s Tips and for his contribution I dedicate this e-book to him. A Collection of RV Tips will be downloaded immediately after purchase and is delivered in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.
BUY NOW !! $12.95 27 pages
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