RV Education 101 March Newsletter
Quote of the Month
'The excitement of learning separates youth from old age. As long as you are learning you're not old.’
~Rosalyn Sussman Yalow US Medical Physicist
THE RV BOOK by Mark J. Polk NEW in 2006!
The RV Book is your personal guide to understanding and enjoying your RV. "RV Expert" Mark Polk turns complex into easy, making all of your experiences safe, fun & stress free. RV’s give us the freedom to go wherever we want, whenever we want. But, nothing will ruin a trip or a vacation quicker than not understanding how to properly use and maintain your RV.
Mark Polk, the author of The RV Book said "Buying an RV is a major investment and it can be overwhelming when just starting out. In the book I tried to touch on all aspects of RV ownership; from selecting and buying the right RV to setting it up at your favorite campground. What type of RV is right for you? How do you tow or drive an RV? How do you safely use an RV? How do you take care of your new RV? I have researched and gathered all of this information, into one place, to simplify the entire process of RV ownership. Whether you own an RV now, or you are getting ready to purchase one in the future, I know that by reading The RV Book you will feel more comfortable about using an RV."

Watch as Mark explains what the RV Book is all about.
Watch the video clip HERE
You need a Windows Media Player to view the video clip
$19.95 BUY NOW

Hello Everybody,
Well February started off good for me with the Steelers winning the Super Bowl. Sorry to all of you Seahawk fans. The rest of the month was spent getting ready to film 13 more RV Savvy segments for the RVTV show. The RVTV crew returned the last week of February and fortunately the weather cooperated with us just enough to finish filming the segments before they had to leave.

It’s difficult to describe all of the emotions involved with the decision to purchase a new motorhome. Of course we are extremely excited and a bit apprehensive, but in all of my years in the RV industry I have witnessed too many people putting off their dreams until it was too late. This has always been a dream of ours and we decided if we didn’t do it now we may never do it. We want the boys to continue to experience RVing while they are still young and want to go, and we want to enjoy the RV lifestyle for as long as we are physically able to.
In a way it was sad last weekend when we were unloading our motorhome and getting it ready to sell. So many wonderful memories were created during our trips and adventures in our Class C. Although it is difficult to let this one go we can’t help but look forward to what future RV experiences the Bounder has in store for us. The really hard part now is waiting two months for it to be built!!

HOT News! HOT News! Beginning next month (if everything goes as planned) we will replace my monthly newsletter RV tip with an actual video clip tip of the month that you can view. The clips will be short tips, covering all types of RV related topics, designed to make RV ownership a little easier for you. So be sure to check in with us next month and get your FREE RV video clip tip of the month. If you know anybody else that might be interested in getting our newsletter and video clip tip of the month send them this link to sign up. http://www.rveducation101.com/email/index.asp?siteID=0
Enjoy the newsletter & happy camping
Feature Article by Mark
De-winterizing & Sanitizing the Water System
We have had a very mild winter this year and with spring just around the corner it’s time to start thinking about taking your RV out of storage and prepping it for another great camping season. Some of you who live in colder climates may need to wait a while longer, but the information will still be available at http://www.rvuniversity.com/ when you need it. This month we’ll concentrate on de-winterizing and sanitizing the water system.
At the end of your camping season you drained the water system, winterized the RV and put it in storage. One problem with this is that on most RV’s when you drain the fresh water holding tank there is still some water left in the tank. Let’s say you do manage to drain all of the water out of the tank. There is still moisture in the water system. Just imagine what can grow in that moist tank while it sits for three or four months. I’d rather not think about it.
This is the water tank that you drink from and the water you use to wash dishes and take showers with. We cannot assume that it will stay safe and fresh like the water system in our home. Contaminated water is extremely dangerous. We not only have to deal with a water system that hasn’t been used for sometime, but when we travel in the RV we hook our water system up to a different water source every time we stop to spend the night some where. We hook up to city water, well water, and eventually contaminated water. You’ve probably heard people say don’t drink the water if you go to Mexico. Well that can be true anywhere.
There are no guarantees that any water is completely safe for us to drink, but if we take certain precautions we can keep our RV water system safe to use. So where do we start? The first step after winter storage is to de-winterize the RV water system. I took this checklist from my Checklists for RVers E-book to help you with the de-winterizing process.
Depending on how your unit was winterized it will need to be de-winterized. Follow this simple checklist to get your water system ready for this years camping season.
- If you used non-toxic RV antifreeze open all drains and drain the antifreeze from the system into a
container. If you do not have a bypass kit on the water heater, drain the antifreeze from the water heater.
- If you put any antifreeze in the fresh water holding tank be sure and drain it.
- Close all of the drains.
- Re-connect the outside shower hose if it was removed.
- To remove antifreeze from the 12-volt water pump, add water to the fresh water holding tank, turn the
pump on and open all water faucets. Run water through the system and then turn the pump off.
- Take the water heater out of the bypass mode and hook a hose up to the city water inlet on the RV. Turn
the water on and open all water faucets. Run fresh water through the system for several minutes.
Don’t forget the outside shower if equipped.
- Flush the toilet.
- Check the entire water system for leaks.
- Fill and drain your black and gray holding tanks at least once.
- Inspect the termination valve and lubricate the valve handles.
- Treat the black tank with holding tank chemicals.
- Re-install any water filter cartridges you removed for winterizing.
What we have accomplished so far was to remove the remnants of RV antifreeze from the water system. Now we need to sanitize the water system so it is safe and ready to use this camping season. This is another excerpt from my Checklists for RVers E-book
Take a quarter cup of house hold bleach for every fifteen gallons of water that your fresh water tank holds. Mix the bleach, with water, into a one-gallon container and pour it into the fresh water holding tank. Fill the fresh water tank almost completely full of water. Turn the water pump on, open all hot and cold faucets and run the water until you smell the bleach at each faucet. Close the faucets. If it’s possible, drive the RV or pull the trailer so the water can move around to assist in cleaning the entire tank. Let it sit for at least 12 hours. Drain the entire system again and re-fill the fresh water tank with potable water. Open all of the faucets and run the water until you no longer smell any bleach. It may be necessary to repeat this process again to eliminate all signs of bleach from the water system.
Now that the RV water system is de-winterized and sanitized here are a couple of other ways to assist you in keeping it safe to use:
Always use a white, non-toxic RV drinking hose. Hoses not labeled safe for drinking can contribute to lead and other dangerous chemicals getting in the water. Use the white non-toxic hose for hooking up to the water source and take along a green or black garden hose for all other uses, like flushing out holding tanks or washing the RV. When you’re not using the drinking hose roll it up and connect the two ends together. This will keep dirt and other debris from getting in the hose. The next time you use the hose, run some fresh water through it before hooking it up to the RV.
Next you need to filter the water going into the RV with a high quality filtration system. Water filters do not purify the water but they can control and remove bacteria, lead and other dangerous contaminants found in drinking water. You basically have two choices on how to filter your RV water system. You can install an inline water filter directly to the water line that you drink from, or you can filter all of the water going into the RV. I prefer to filter all of the water going into the RV. This helps to protect the entire water system and even filters the shower water to help prevent any type of skin irritation.
Follow these simple steps can assure that the fresh water system in your RV truly is fresh.
Happy Camping,
If you want to actually see what it’s like to travel to Alaska by RV we offer three great Alaska travel DVDs.
Alaska by RV Video details
Alaska’s Inside Passage Video details
The Last Great Road Trip: Alaska Video details
Marks Tip of the Month
If you have a generator, remember to exercise it on a monthly basis. In gasoline generators the fuel breaks down and gums up causing hard starting and surging problems. This can happen in as short a period of time as one month. I used to think that I could avoid exercising the generator by adding a fuel preservative to the fuel tank and then running the generator long enough to get the preservative through the generator set. You definitely should use a fuel preservative whenever the unit will be in storage, but there are many other reasons to start and exercise the generator on a regular basis. Moisture build up can cause damage to your generator. When you exercise your generator it heats up the generator windings and eliminates this moisture build up. This monthly exercise regime also lubricates all of the engine seals and components and helps to prevent carbon build up.
So, what exactly does exercising your generator mean? For a gasoline generator it means that you start and run the generator with at least a 50 percent load for at least two hours each month. It is extremely important that you run it with this minimum rated load. Generators are designed to run with a load placed on them. Our motor home has a 4,000 watt generator so I can either turn the roof air conditioner on in the summer time, which is about 2,000 watts or I can use a couple of small portable electric heaters if it’s cold out. It’s always better to let your generator run for longer periods than it is for short periods. Check your generator owner’s manual for load ratings specific to your unit.
Onan Spring Tune Up Checklist
If you want years of trouble free service from your RV generator it requires more than a monthly exercise routine. Click on this link for a great Onan spring tune up checklist to help get your generator ready for another camping season. http://www.funroads.com/articles/onanspringtuneup.jhtml
RV Mobile Business
This is something that may really catch on in the future, taking your business on the road. Whether you own a medical or dental office, veterinary clinic, or beauty salon why not make it mobile. A major consideration with our new RV was being able to conduct business when we travel. Here is a site that can help you when you’re ready to go mobile. http://rvmobilebusiness.com/
Do's and Don'ts for Better Generator Performance
The Do’s:
• DO keep your generator clean by wiping it periodically with a clean cloth.
• DO turn off all appliances in cold weather before starting your generator, for best long-term performance.
• DO check owner’s manual for periodic maintenance schedule.
• DO check the exhaust system regularly for damage or leaks. Make sure the exhaust pipe extends out at least one inch beyond the vehicle perimeter.
• DO check the carburetor pre-heating selector (if one is installed) to be sure it’s in the proper position for the surrounding climate. (See your Operator’s Manual for proper settings.)*
This is just a partial list of the Do’s & Don’ts for better generator performance. To see the entire list go to>
Learn more http://www.funroads.com/service/dosdonts.jhtml
'RV Friendly' Momentum Keeps Rolling
I personally think the RV Friendly signs are a terrific idea. If you haven’t heard about these signs they are basically highway signs that let RVers know where to exit for facilities that can accommodate RVs. Michigan is the seventh state to adopt the RV Friendly road sign initiative. Read the full story>>
The RV Lotto
If you haven’t played the RV Lotto lately you don’t know what you’re missing. As of February 2006 we have given away 1,540 free RV related prizes. We designed the RV Lotto just for RVers, and to help promote small RV companies who offer unique products for RVers. In return, the companies we help to promote offer the FREE RV prizes to you, the RV Lotto players. It truly is a win, win situation for everybody. When you register to play we will never give your email address to anybody and it is only used to announce the weekly winning numbers.
The Wireless Trips WiFi Finder
Now that you’re out there enjoying the open road how do you find over 1,400 WiFi locations; especially the ones in the direction you are traveling? It’s just a mouse click away>
RV Rescue Makeover selects one winner out of more than 3,000 entries
Find out what deserving family won the extreme RV rescue makeover and can it be done in only 3 days in front of a live audience?? Read more> http://www.motorhomemagazine.com/output.cfm?ID=1069453

Learn the biggest mistakes RV buyers make in this 50-minute DVD from RV Travel and the Better Business Bureau, so you can avoid making them yourself. Information for this program was developed through extensive research; examination of consumer complaints to the Better Business Bureau; and interviews with industry leaders, dealers, RV repair professionals and actual RVers. Viewing this Better Business Bureau DVD is the very best insurance you can get to avoiding making some of the classic and often costly mistakes new RVers make.
Released in October 2005.
Viewer feedback about RV Education 101 RV training videos
"Hello to both of you, Dawn and Mark. My name is Stephen Mason. As you both know, when my wife and I went to pickup our TT, the dealer did a walk through with us. And I did ask many questions. When we got home with the TT, I forgot everything that they told me... I had to call the RV Dealer up a few times, and ask many questions. And I kept getting a different person for a different question. THEN the Asst. Service Manager, told me about your RV Education 101 web site. I hurried home and downloaded the 101 RV Tips E book. Wow, so much good information. Then I said to my wife, if the E Book is this good, I wonder how good the Tapes and DVD must be. Well, the next day I contact Dawn and order 3 tapes. When I received them in 3 days, I had to watch all of them. THEY ARE GREAT and very informative. I want to take this time out and tell you both that I am happy that we have people like you both to help people like me who know nothing about anything and now learning a lot from your tapes. Again, thanks to the both or you.
P.S. I also told the RV dealer that they should order the collection of all your Tapes and DVD and I will pass your name around also Steve....
RV Training Videos
Campground Cooking By Pat Watson

1 chuck roast Mustard (yellow) Cover chuck roast generously with mustard on all sides. Put in a container and let marinate overnight. Cook over a grill or open fire to desired doneness, similar to cooking a steak. Do not remove mustard before cooking.
Now available as an instant e-book! Cookbook details 77 pages
RV Education 101 strongly supports the sale of these Cookbooks. Pat is donating 10% of her profits from the book to benefit the KOA Care Camps Trust for kids with cancer. You can find out more about KOA Care Camps here:http://www.koacarecamps.com/
Contributed by Peggi McDonald, Author of "RV Living in the 21st Century"
I received an email this week from website visitor Carol stating she just returned from a clean-up tip to Waveland, Mississippi. The damage remains extensive and devastating but it was so fulfilling as well. Carol suggested that maybe several RVers could venture down that way to pitch in and roll up their sleeves. I called Anne Pierson from Happy Camper ½ camp club www.camphalfprice.com/index.php?ref=16&id=6
because she is from there. Anne relayed that most of the ‘clean up’ was being done by church groups and Habitat for Humanity, that would be a good place to start.
Contact state websites to see if they have a listing on where help was needed – Louisiana - www.louisianatravel.com 800-994-8626
or Mississippi - 800-927-6378 – www.state.ms.us
Alabama - 800-252-2262:
Do you have your copy of Peggi’s RV Packing Tips e-book?
It’s really like getting “Three E-Books in One” http://rv101.rvliving.hop.clickbank.net/

Peggi has taken the best of her internationally-acclaimed first book and has revamped and updated it to reflect the changing technology and rules in post-9/11 North America. This book is for the new or experienced RVer. There are so many tips from “how to” subjects as well as practical advice on "what to do" when you have medical problems on the road, and how to choose an emergency roadside service. The security tips for your house while you are away and health & safety tips are just a couple of subjects out of many that are invaluable and give you peace of mind! There is so much information we couldn’t possibly list it all.
RV Education 101 highly recommends this book:
"RV Living in the 21st Century" Details
This is still the busy time of the year for RV shows
If you haven’t attended any RV shows in 2006 it’s not too late. Find out what RV shows are coming up and which ones are close to where you live> www.rvia.org
Campground Attractions by KOA –

Join KOA For Another Special Day of Camping!
Reservations Begin On February 1
Are you spending enough quality time with your family and friends? At Kampgrounds of America, we know how much you value that time. That's why we want to invite you to stay at any of our participating KOA Kampgrounds for FREE the night of Friday, May 12, for the third annual Come Camp With Us Day. Your KOA stay can begin on any day prior to May 12, but May 12 must be included in the reservation.
This FREE day of camping is a great chance to get your RV or tent ready for the summer season. Or if you haven't experienced the joys of camping, come on out and give it a try on May 12 - absolutely free, with no strings attached!
This year, KOA is also partnering with Thales Navigation, makers of Magellan navigation systems, to offer those who reserve a campsite online for Come Camp With Us Day a chance to win one of 14 free Magellan navigation systems to be given away, one each week. Thales Navigation has also pledged a substantial cash donation to support KOA Care Camps for children with cancer. Everyone making a reservation for the May 12 Come Camp With Us Day will automatically be entered to win a free Magellan navigation system.
We're giving away more than half a million dollars in free camping on May 12. Campsite quantities are limited, so don't wait.
Free-will donation boxes will be available at KOA stores on May 12 for campers to make donations to KOA Care Camps. Care Camps is a non-profit charity that helps send kids with cancer and their siblings to one of 34 special summer camps where they can enjoy camping and recreational experiences together.
No other special offers may apply, although regular Value Kard discounts can be applied to all other days of your stay.
All New, 2006 KOA Campground Directory - The 2006 KOA Directory is all you'll need to plan your family's camping fun, whether your trip takes you across North America or just down the road from your home. Order your copy today! http://koa.com/orderadirectory/
Emergency Kit Check List by Les Doll a working certified RV technician and author of: How to inspect and evaluate a used motorhome the "PAINLESS" way e-book
You can pick and chose what you think you might need:
__ 12-volt compressor
__ Bailing wire
__ Brake fluid
__ Bungee straps
__ CB radio (hand-held)
__ Come-a-long
__ Crowbar
__ Drill and bits
__ D-rings and chain
__ Duct tape
__ Electrical repair stuff (wire, crimp connectors, crimping tool, tape, etc.)
__ Engine oil (3 quarts) (1qt)
__ Epoxy glue
__ Fan belt(s) (spare for each belt)
__ Flares and reflectors
__ Flashlight (with spare batteries)
__ Fuel filter
__ Fuel line and clamps
__ Fuses (for both truck and trailer)
__ Hacksaw and replacement blades
__ Hammer
__ Hand cleaner
__ Hand tools (varied assortment)
__ Hose repair kit (for both radiator and heater hoses)
__ Ignition parts (plugs, cap, rotor, cables etc.)
__ Jack and handle (for truck & trailer)
__ Jumper cables
__ Leather gloves
__ Nuts and bolts (varied assortment)
__ Permatex (non-hardening) and RTV silicone sealant
__ Pipe wrench
__ Plastic tarp (6 x 8-foot)
__ Power steering fluid
__ Puncture-Seal (2 cans)
__ Rags or shop towels
__ Rope
__ Sandpaper (for epoxy, etc.)
__ Small holding tank & fiberglass re-pair kit
__ Spare H.D. flasher
__ Spare light bulbs (turn signal, brake, etc.)
__ Spare lug nuts
__ Spare bearing set and wheel seal for trailer
__ Super glue
__ Extra fire extinguisher
__ Tow strap
__ Transmission fluid
__ WD-40
__ Wheel chocks
_ Windex (cleans anything)
__ Wiper blade

BUY NOW $14.95
Happy Camper Half Price Camping Club is excited to announce that their 2006 Camping Guide is now available both in print - and on CD-Rom!

Join 1/2 price camping today at http://www.camphalfprice.com/index.php?ref=15
Information packed, RV Education 101 instant download e-book Library:
The Three Primary Systems of an RV How does an RV work? How do you get hot water, cold food and satellite TV when you're out in the middle of no where. How is it possible to use a microwave when you're driving down the road and what makes the shower work when you aren't even connected to a water source? This e-book has the answers! $12.95 47 pages
How to Buy an RV, Before you Buy it Looking for your first RV? Don't buy it before you have read this e-book. Take control of your RV buying experience and save thousands of dollars. $12.95 56 pages
The Complete Guide to Dinghy Towing This e-book will explain everything you need to know about towing behind a motorhome in an easy to understand format. Our goal with this e-book is to help you learn how to properly tow a dinghy, and to assist you in making the right decisions to meet your particular towing needs. $12.95 33 pages
What, you would rather watch a video than read a book. Well you're in luck, we have videos covering all of the information you will get from the e-books at> http://www.rveducation101.com/trainingvideos.htm?siteID=0
Not really sure where to go on an RV trip this year. Check out our RV travel videos and start planning that big trip now>
When you think of the East Coast you usually think of big cities, but there are many natural areas that have been set aside as well. Our adventure begins in Virginia Beach as we follow the coast south through the Outer Banks of North Carolina.
One-third of all the saltwater marshes along the East Coast are located in Georgia. An eco-tour explains how important the marsh is to the creatures that inhabit it, like oysters, crabs, wading birds, and manatees.
The Everglades is the place to visit for natural wonders. The national park is one of the most unusual in the country. The East Coast contains many natural wonders that most people are not aware of, come along for the ride!
...Available in DVD $26.95 & VHS $21.95 Video details Order Now!
Other Popular Products at RV Education 101
"Live Your Road Trip Dream"
Travelers Guide to the Firearms Laws
Family Outdoor Emergency Kit

RV DVD Value Packs

There are 3 value sets currently available. Class A Motorhome, Class C Motorhome & Travel Trailer/5th Wheel. Each set includes 4 DVDs. Get your RV DVD value set today!
Some Interesting Facts About LP Gas
The RV Book, a newly released guide to understanding and enjoying RV’s
If you do enjoy reading as opposed to watching a video, and you are interested in learning more about RV’s this is the book for you.
$19.95 BUY NOW
Do you want a better understanding of how your RV electrical system works?
This is a fairly short, but very comprehensive article I ran across that might be able to clear up any questions you have about your RV’s electrical system> http://www.smithae.com/rv.html
Rest Areas and Welcome Centers by William C. Herow
This is a very popular title and now it has been completely updated and revised! Quickly and easily locate rest areas, welcome centers, roadside turnouts, and scenic vistas along America's Interstate highways. Find out where these areas are and the facilities available such as restrooms, phones, picnic tables, vending machines, RV dump stations, and designated pet walk areas.
Rest Areas & Welcome Centers also includes Cracker Barrel locations and discount stores like Wal-Mart, Sam's Club, K-Mart, and Target. Easily find travel centers like AmBest Truck Stops, Flying J Travel Plazas, Love's, Petro, Pilot, and TA Travel Centers. These places welcome RVers with services such as propane, diesel fuel, restaurants, and dump stations. Some even offer free overnight parking!
Also included is state tourism contact information, a convenient list of toll-free numbers for hotels and motels across America, and an RV dump station locator. Rest Areas & Welcome Centers is a valuable resource for anyone that travels America's Interstate highways. 240 pages, a must have book for every RVer.
Select this link to view a sample chapter (Adobe Reader PDF, 184KB)
$12.95 BUY NOW
General and Unsubscribe Info
About us:
Our goal with this monthly newsletter is to provide you with helpful information to make all of your RV experiences more enjoyable. I left my position as an RV Sales and F&I manager in 2000 to start my own company, RV Education 101. We produce educational videos, DVDs and e-books on how to use and maintain your RV. The reason I left my job was due to my concern about the lack of educational and safety awareness material available to the RV consumer, in other words, you. We are a small company. My wife Dawn left her position in RV sales to help start the company and is our Sales and Marketing Director. We currently have a 28-foot Class C motor home. We have two boys, Tyler 9 and Josh 15, both avid RVers and two dogs, Gracie and Buck. Gracie is the good one. If you would like to learn more about us and RV Education 101 feel free to visit our website> http://www.rveducation101.com/
RV Education 101 Newsletter © Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006 Mark J. Polk, except where indicated otherwise. All rights reserved worldwide. Reprint only with permission from copyright holder(s). All trademarks are property of their respective owners. All contents provided as is. Advertisers are solely responsible for ad content.
To contact us with feedback or questions, email to: info@rveducation101.com
To subscribe, please email http://rveducation101.com/email/
RV Education 101 Newsletter is an opt-in ezine available by subscription only. We neither use nor endorse the use of spam. Your email address will ONLY be used to distribute this newsletter and will NEVER be sold or given to any other entity!!
Happy Camping,
http://www.rveducation101.com/RV Education 1013969 Stedman Cedar Creek RoadFayetteville, NC 28312910-484-7615
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